Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Doctor is in…Kim is Phinally Done!


This is rather old news by now but I still had to post up some pics of Kim’s graduation. That’s right.. Kim is now officially Doctor Kimberly Case! We call each other academic soul mates and as cheesy as it is I know that one reason God brought Sam and me here to Gainesville was because SHE was in this program. I can honestly say that I really don’t think I could have made it through this without her and our friendship.

Kim and I met the day I came down to meet Keith and the faculty in my program during the time where I was trying to narrow down which school to attend. The other schools I had visited were ok and I liked the professors fine but for most programs the graduate students that would have been my peers seemed entirely too competitive. This program at UF just felt like home, right from the get go. All the graduate students were so welcoming and the faculty was so encouraging and it really felt like a family atmosphere. Kim was at that lunch and we were seated right by each other and once I learned she worked for Keith (my advisor/professor I now work under) I had so many questions for her. We clicked instantly. It was as if I had known her all my life. After I accepted here and was welcomed into my lab family, Kim helped to show me the ropes and teach me the ins and outs. We had classes together and were in the lab each and every day together and grew very close very fast. We eventually even managed to persuade Keith to let us share an office together and to decorate it in pink and black. There is something so amazing in having a friend who not only shares my personal life but also my lab life too. We have gone through so many things together both professionally and personally. Huge life events.  I couldn’t even begin to describe it all. We’ve been through not only marriage issues and the birth of Sammy but the deaths of our dads, we became Big Sisters together, we’ve been lost in another country together, scary doctors appointments, made it through huge presentations, and I could go on and on. This is why when I found out one of my roles as her maid of honor was to give a toast at her wedding I fought it tooth and nail (I lost and somehow came up with something to say), but I felt there was no way to sum it all up one one single toast!

So, to sit there and watch her walk across the stage to get her PhD I seriously could almost see a slideshow in my head of all the trials, struggles, good and bad times that we had been through all of these years to get to that point. Sure there have been times along the way when one of us wanted to give up and drop out but we have kept each other strong and in the game and I could not be more proud of her and all she has and will accomplish. In fact, I almost passed out after screaming for her when they announced “Dr. Kimberly Case, escorted by Dr. Keith Berg”. No joke, I seriously got light headed and had to rest my head on her sister in law’s shoulder after that scream! I was just and still am so beyond proud of her.

Congratulations Dr. Case! I love you!



We had a party the night Kim defended her dissertation and someone had the brilliant plan of spelling out PhD with our bodies…WOW.  Let me introduce 2 of our new graduates..Dr. Case and Dr. Clemmans at their finest. Ha ha.


The Developmental Psych Ladies that are left now.. every one is leaving us and moving on to their new lives


Keith came to our party and was one proud advisor!


Waiting for Kim to be called…..eeeks!


Look who I got to sit with at the ceremony..Let me introduce Kim’s nephew Lil Sandy, he is basically Tom Cruise in baby form. Isn’t he the cutest little thing you’ve ever seen?? Sadly I frightened him into a fit of terror with my screams when they called Kim’s name. Sorry little guy.


With Keith after, I love this pic of the two of them!


What is left of the Berg Lab.. that’s right now with Kim gone it is just me and Keith! He says he has empty nest syndrome now since they all finished and it is just little ol’ me left.



I FINALLY got her some notebooks to replace all the many I stole from her over the years, they were so cute though they were worth the long wait, right Kim?


Cheesing it up


Thanks for the cake idea Suzzane! She loved it!

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At her graduation cookout, congrats again!

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