Given that 4th of July is now my second favorite holliday as some of you who took my quiz know, lol (this may change come Thanksgiving time) it was so great to spend it with friends. We went down to Lakeland to visit the Shirey fam and just fully enjoyed ourselves. It was so great to see their new life there. We spent Friday night, the 3rd, watching fireworks at Lake Mirror. It was just beautiful! We met up with several of their friends from church and they were all so nice. They had saved a great spot for us that was literally right under the fireworks. Sammy was rather scared of them. He fully enjoying dancing to the band (can you believe we caught Benji on stage as the lead singer/guitarist? How Leslie didn't know he was there is beyond me, after all they were in Fl that week....) and playing on our blanket and then BOOM! No warning they just fired away and he was not too happy about it.
They got some EXCELENT news on Sat, they had another offer on their house! We were just so happy, please be in prayer that all goes as planned with this. We spent the actual 4th in the pool having fun and relaxing. I got to see a quick glimps of the Fl Baptist Children's Home campus where Andrea works, so great. How great would it be to walk into work each day and see Jermiah 29:11-12 framed on the wall???? We watched fireworks that night from more of a distance and Sammy loved them. He even jumped and yelled at them near the end. Sam put on a mini firework show for us, I think that was the highlight of his night. Sunday was spent at their humongous church, good to know if God ever moves us to Lakeland we already have a church! =) I mean a church inside an old mall, could it be more perfect for me? I guess only if my Sunday School class met in the room the used to be the shoe store, ha ha. It was just such a fun weekend. I could have used more girly time with Andrea as we had husbands and kids with us the whole time but we all had a blast and it was great to get away. I sure miss having them here in Gainesville. I really wish Sammy & Connor could play more often together, they were too cute. Sammy just looked up to Connor and they had so much fun together. He would follow after Connor and do exactly what Connor did not fully understanding why at times.
Sammy now includes "Cott, Nonnor, and Adedda" in his regular role call of names each day. Too cute. Connor's name is ALWAYS followed by a "Choo Choo!" I guess indicating that was his favorite thing they played together. Thanks for our super fun fam vacation! Hope we can come back down again sometime soon.... hint hint. We love you all!
Just want to quickly refer everyone to Sam's blog, here. So importnat that although Independence Day is past we are careful to not take our freedom, both physical and spiritual, for granted. Our freedoms were purchased at a very high price, they cost others their lives. Sam included a list of those who gave their lives in the last few weeks alone. I can not imagine what thier families are going through. I am so guilty of going about my daily activities and not thinking about all those who are fighting for us each day. It is just so overwhelming and dauting that I think it is easier to push it out of my mind but I have been trying to remember to pray for our troops, their families, and our country's leadership more.
Here are some of our pics, sorry there are so many but we just has so much fun!