introducing the future Mrs. Papke!! (pronounced Pap-key)
We had my little baby sister in law who is all grown up now's shower.. yes that is right folks in less than one month Sarah Michelle is getting married! She couldn't have found a better prince in my eyes. She and Brennan are just so cute and perfect for each other. They really compliment each other just right and they have a blast together and are just madly head over heals in love. their sweetness with each other is literally contagious! It makes me think back to those days almost 8 years ago before Sam and I got married.. so many hopes and dreams, such excitement and such wonder at what our lives would be like. Who would we be, what kind of life would he have together. It is so surreal to think about how much I loved him then and when I look at how far we've come and how much closer we have grown it makes me almost laugh at how in love I thought we were then. The funny thing is, if you would have told me on my wedding day that I could possibly love him more I would have said you were crazy! I am sure these two love birds are feeling just the same way.
I am so excited for this new chapter and to officially welcome Brennan in as part of our family. He is just great. I guess now I will kinda sorta have a little brother!=) Never actually thought about it that way before until just this moment actually. I can't wait to see how their love grows and how much fun they have as husband and wife. I ESPECIALLY can't wait to meet my neices and nephews- to- be but according to the happy couple, I have a really long wait. =) One day though. I always tell Sarah that I wish we could just get one tiny glimpse, if even for a second, of our lives 15 years from now. Just to know what a snapshot of our family sitting around the table would look like. My hope is that the 7 of us (Papi, Mimi, my family, & Sarah & Brennan) will be joined by hopefully 3 more of ours (one natural and 2 adopted!! QUICK>> Somebody pick Sam up off the ground as I am sure he has just fainted reading this!!!) and then hopefully 3 or 4 little Papke's sitting there with us. How wonderful!!!
Here are some pics from her bridal shower. It went off without a hitch and I don't think it could have gone any better. Everyone seemed to have a great time. There was so much yummy food and the I think everyone had fun with the games. My favorite was the question and answer game for Sarah. I had asked Brennan questions and then Sarah had to guess what his answers were. They did great! Out of 25 questions she guessed correctly on all but a couple! WOW! He promised me he would not be a cheater face and spill the beans to tip her off on the game. I do wonder if she threw out her "frumpy & dingy" blue sweatpants (Brennan's words not mine!) as a result of my questions, ha ha. Brennan was so fun to interview too.. he even had me all teared up at one point. I have just loved getting to know him and his fam.
Enjoy the pics! We love you Sarah and Brennan and we can't wait to celebrate with you in just a few weeks!