In the spirit of true procrastination ( I should be working right now) I thought I would also put a few pics from Julia's first birthday party. Julia is one of the 3 amigos... her mom Deborah was preggers with Julie & me and we were each 4 weeks apart. So, Daniel was born first, then Sammy a month later, then Julia a month after him. It has been fun having them to go through pregnancy and this first year with. Our Sunday School class is really unique b/c for 3 years now we have had pregnancies in groups of 3, so 3 per year. Anyway, Julia was just adorable, she was passed out asleep but still eating while she slept when we arrived, it was just so funny! She had a very cute Care Bear top hat to wear for her special day, loved it! Sammy has so much fun seeing and playing with his little friends. Here are some pics from the park.. little baby Luke was there too all bundled up and David was there but he was way too fast for me to catch on film!
2 years ago