Here is one super fun memory. Dancing with Esperanza Up!!!! This year two of our team members, Irene and Taylor busted out some ballet moves for the girls and they just loved it! Irene and Taylor were such a blessing to our team. They are seniors in our youth group and both are so amazing. It was so great to spend time with them and see two girls who are living their lives in ways that please and glorify God. You could literally see God living through them and I know that He will use them in great ways as they start college next year. It was so good for our girls in the dorm to see these two living boldly for God, they are great role models. I was so glad to have them partnered with me to lead our small group. They each shared their testimonies with the girls in our group and were very open and real about personal struggles and how God has worked in their own lives. It was not easy to share these things but both of them put themselves out there but both did such a great job and just seriously shined. I know God was smiling down on them proud as could be that night. At one point I actually had tears in my eyes as they were sharing with our small group b/c I was just so proud of them and could see the impact it was having on the girls in our group. Our girls were listening intently and asked questions. Both Irene and Taylor were just so great with them. These two girls also knew how to have some serious fun! I giggled with them like I was in my own senior year again and just really enjoyed talking with them about camp and other things. Just wish I had more time to hang out with them!
One night after we finished our small group time we went across the hall to another room in the dorm where a few girls had the radio on. We all formed a big circle and took turns doing some dance moves. Kristie was the first to break it down and the girls loved it! You KNOW I had to keep it real and bust out some clogging moves for them, which of course the girls in Guatemala had never seen. They laughed and thought I was MUI TONTO (Very silly)! After some time of free styling it someone asked Irene and Taylor to show them some ballet (ok it was me, I can't help it I love me some ballet). These two are in a dance company and are extremely good dancers. They did some basic things and taught the girls basic steps and then started doing some more fancy things. The Esperanza girls just loved it and it was such a fun fun night. I am sure the girls in the dorm below were not that fond of our dance party as I am sure we souded like a team of elephants up there but we had a blast and laughed and giggled the night away. This is one of those times that will always be engraved in my memory. So much fun!!! Here are some videos for you.
Andrea... in the videos Misty is in the middle in pink pj pants and she was by far the best, watch how she tries each move. Too cute!