We had the best time picking blueberries together, I just LOVE summer! Can you belive it was Sam's first time? We found the best place, and I HIGHLY reccomend it if you are in the Gville area (about 20 min out from town). Their blueberries are chemical-free, they do not use chemical fertilizers, herbicides, or insectisides. They go to great lengths to not harm the environment and everyone was so nice! There is a great covered area with very clean restrooms & picnic tables to eat lunch and they have hiking trails and a creek since is near Sante Fe River. Sammy just loved Mrs. Nancy! She offered us some organic bugspray (she said she got it at Walmart, it was great!) and gave Sammy a popsicle and made us some gatorade! I actually learned a lot as she explained the various varieties of blueberries they grow and Sammy enjoyed learning how to put them on the table and hit it to shift the twigs and leaves out of each bucket full. They had SO MANY to pick, just an abundance compared to other places I have picked from in past. We loved that some of the bushes were in the shade and there were plenty of low bushes for Sammy to pick off of.
The actual picking was so fun with him. He picked them right off the bush and popped them into his mouth. Only his first 2 made it into the bucket. At one point he just sat right down by the bucket and ate several handfuls out of it and said "mummy" (yummy) with each hanful. In fact, the boy literally ate blueberries all day long and to answer your question Mom, yes his poop was blue! =) Too funny. The experience was very calming, if that makes sense. As I stood with my shirtful of blueberries I was reminded of the many times growing up that I helped my Gram pick tomoates or peppers & several other things in her gardens and it really made me miss her. So often I wish she was still around and we could have just one more good chat, especially now that I am all grown up (well kind of). I miss you so much Grama!
Blueberry season is almost over so if your family hasn't picked yet you may want to plan a trip before time runs out. This particular farm is only open through July 19th, but they are seven days a week 8am to 7pm, no reservation needed. Check out their website at http://www.blueberrywoman.com/ She has included several tips about storing and freezing blueberries that I found very helpful.