This potluck dinner was so hilarious, it was my first one with Sammy this mobile. Most get together up until now he was either just sitting and playing or if moving, he was crawling and cruising. Well.. he is way to busy to walk anywhere these days, of course the fastest way is to run and that he did.. up and down Chad and Annie's hallway squealing and laughing, usually chasing Addie & Connor, well except for the time they did the train which didn't end so well. Connor took on a big brother role and was so concerned and caring when Sammy ran into the wall, it was really sweet. I had to comfort him just as much as Sammy, he has such a sweet little heart. Sammy also had fun with the little babies, he fully initiated sweet little Luke (5 months old, right Katie?) in to the pack as he reached in excitement and grabbed Luke's face then when I sent him to say he was sorry he squatted right down to Luke and just yelled as loud as he could ??? Poor thing jumped about a mile high and then cried! I felt so bad! Hey, at least we know he has a good startle reflex which is often tested in infant development literature.. (your welcome Katie). Sammy's highlight was prob when he chose to catch his balance by using Suzanne's plate which resulted in food, mostly rice thankfully, falling all over Annie's beautiful rug and Suzanne's pants. Oh well, thankfully everyone understood!
We had an amazing Sunday with Steve Saint speaking at church and then Abby's baby shower that afternoon. Suzanne led a beautiful devotion and we each wrote our blessings and prayers for baby Josiah who will be here before we know it. It was just such a sweet time spent with my amazing friends. We have all become such a support system for each other, we have really been through so much in the last few years. I am so BLESSED to have this amazing group of women who laugh with me, cry with me, pray with me, encourage me, and speak truth in my life when I need it. I have so many hillarious memories with many of them, times when I have literally laughed so hard that my cheeks and stomach hurt (underground showers in Guatemala, items dropped that should have never been seen by others, and the truck.... ladies you know who you are or my call to Julie a couple days after having Sammy to ask if my husband did in fact poison me and my infant son (answer is yes, but not intentionally) and I have memories of them lifting me up, keeping me encouraged whatever the situation was. I learn SO MUCH from each of you and am thankful to have an amazing group of you to "do life" with. Oh and I totally got emotional at the shower, they had the cd playing (Sing Over Me) that I played when I nursed Sammy and pretty much all his first 7 or 8 months until we switched to a new one. I hadn't heard those songs in long while and just seeing all the tiny baby boy things and hearing that music made me so sentimental! Where has the time gone??? It seems like it was just me sitting in Abby's spot, wondering what my baby would look like, how Sam and I would do as parents, if I would faint when they gave me my IV before labor, and there I sat.. on the other side, sharing my labor story, laughing about various baby moments, it has just gone by so fast! I have tried my best to enjoy each little moment and not take things for granted but I still feel like it was all on fast forward.. well not the sleepless nights, but all the rest!
Unfortunately both of my Sams came down with a bad cold on Sunday and had to stay in. Sam actually wasn't able to go to work Monday and still feels yucky today. Sammy went to the doctor and has infection and is on antibiotics. Gloria called for me to pick him up early today b/c he had been throwing up and just really sick and decided best for him to stay home tomorrow so I have rearranged my work schedule and now have 2 of my meetings moved here to the house! We will see how this goes.. I am hopefully going to do two trainings with Sammy awake and then do work and grading while he naps... please pray! Pray for Sam and Sammy to recover quickly and for my day to go smoothly. Thank you!
Here are a few pics.. he just looks so big now!
With Keira at Gloria's house
They hug and kiss each other every morning when they first see each other and then when they say Adios. She is the sweetest thing and wow.. her vocab is amazing. Obviously being at Gloria's she is learning Spanish too and it is so cute to hear her talk!