Wow have I missed the blog world! I finally have some time to catch up and post up some pics, we've been very busy!
We spent the weekend before Halloween up in Orange Park so that I could relax after my written exams. It was so great to be able to hang with my mom again we had so much fun! We went that night to a fall festival at Richard's church and then to the Carnival at the Catholic church on Kingsley (the same carnival Sam and I went to growing up). Sammy just brought us pure joy! He was SO MUCH fun to watch. He caught on to the getting candy thing pretty quickly and was pretty amazed that he just had to hold out his little pumpkin and people would drop candy right in. He had fun playing the games and he really enjoyed his real hot dog!! He kept saying "hot dog yummy!!" which made me feel somewhat guilty that we don't give him those. Oh well.
He cracked us up at the carnival. He rode on a little train ride and he and the girl in front of him screamed almost the whole ride! You would have thought they were going at a super sonic speed but the ride was so slow, almost inching along which made it all the more hillarious. The Nemo ride was by far his favorite. It was REALLY fast (I was a little nervous about this one) and from the moment it started he just giggled and laughed with glee the ENTIRE ride. All the parents watching/waiting were laughing at him, you couldn't help to, it was such a contagious laugh. It was weird b/c I have NEVER heard him laugh like that before?? It was a very fun night !!! Thanks Mom & Richard!!!